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OBD Extension cables

You can use an OBD extension cable if you have purchased an interface or standalone OBD device of which the supplied cable is too short or if you want to protect the system cable of your OBD device or interface during frequent use.

Extension cable length

We supply extension cables in different lengths. Commonly used lengths are 30cm, 100cm or 150cm. This allows you to use the laptop in the car on your lap or on the driver's seat. With a cable of 150cm you can even use the laptop outside the car.

Extension cable plug

An extension cable is available with two types of plug shapes. Depending on the location of the OBD2 port in your car, you can choose a straight plug (if there is a lot of space available), or a plug where the cables go to the side (to be used if there is little space).

Sort 7 products by

Low profile platte obd2 verlengkabel

OBD-2 Extension Cable Flat 16 pins 60cm

OBD2 Y splitter

OBD-2 Y-Splitter Cable 16 pins 15cm

40cm OBD2 splitter verlenging

OBD-2 Y-Splitter Cable Flat 16 pins 40cm

Obd2 verlengkabel hoek 16 pins 100cm

OBD2 Extension Cable Angle 16 pins 100cm

Obd2 verlengkabel 16 pins 30cm

OBD2 Extension Cable Angle 16 pins 30cm

Obd2 verlengkabel recht 16 pins 100cm

OBD2 Extension Cable Straight 16 pin 100cm
