Toyota 22 Pin OBD1 - 16 Pin OBD2 Adapter
Converter cable from OBD-1 (22 pin) to OBD-2 for older Toyota models. Indispensable for reading out via OBD1. This adapter ensures that diagnostic equipment can be connected to your car. Please note that the diagnostic device must be suitable for OBD1.
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Toyota 22 Pin OBD1 - 16 Pin OBD2 This adapter cable turns an OBD-1 connection into an OBD-2 connection. To read out your Toyota, you will need a compatible reader in addition to this.
Advantages & drawbacks
- Using this adapter cable, you can also use a compatible reader to read an older Toyota before the year 2001.
- Rugged materials for endless use
- Works only with readers that also support the OBD1 protocol
Specs summary
- Suitable for car brand Toyota
- Features Adapter, Converter Cable
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Review by Michael Buelens
Again problem-free...
Again, trouble-free product!
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Does it perfectly on ...
Does it perfectly on my Toyota